
Upload Files Larger Than 10mg To Roll20?

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I definitely understand the limitations to file size. Nevertheless, it'southward quite difficult to provide a high quality world map that I've drawn every bit one of my pages with a limit of 5mb. I'd like to be able to accept at to the lowest degree 1 of my pages have a file size limit increment. Either for buy, or whatever.

You can always interruption information technology into smaller images and composite it in the map editor. Recollect that virtually people have 72-90dpi screens so even uncompressed a 5MB PNG compressed at a low ratio estimate of 10:1 is still a 16.5"x16.5" image on a 90dpi screen.

True. I'm using hexographer to describe the world map. I was just thinking it would be nice to be able to export as a PNG from there and transfer it over here when I'm washed. All the same, tweaking it enough to get it nether 5mb gives me a adequately small version of it. I could make due with a 10-12mb version. The 5mb version just tin't be stretched very far without affecting the resolution poorly.

Clinton, Two things: 1) I think that Eric is suggesting that you can basically accept the exported map from Hexographer, then "cut it upward" into four smaller images (without actually reducing the resolution). Then you lot can upload each of those 4 smaller images individually, and put them right next to each other on the map layer in Roll20. Your players will never realize information technology's actually 4 separate images. The other reward of doing this for large maps besides the size limitation is that the rendering engine will work faster because it tin can ignore the pieces of the map that aren't on-screen. 2) We are looking into increasing the per-file upload restriction for Mentors. And then stay tuned for that too!

True. I sympathise. Sadly, I was overzealous and my map ended up beingness then big that I have to cut information technology into almost 9 pieces in order to get each i small enough to exist able to upload them. That's my mistake. haha. I'thousand in the mentor level, and so it you lot're increasing the per-file brake, that'd be slap-up. haha.

Wow! That is a very big map! You might besides try JPG if y'all don't mind a piddling loss in quality, depending on what's on the map the compression may save you quite a bit of size. And we're definitely looking into it, just making sure it doesn't crash the servers or anything :-)

haha. Yep, every bit I said, I might have been a bit overzealous. I will endeavour swapping information technology over to JPG and run across what happens. I'll nevertheless accept to cut information technology into pieces, but it might exist easier to exercise. Currently, I'm having save each piece from the map from hexographer and then stretch them to try to brand them fit. Information technology isn't working quite as well as I wanted.


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