
How Many Reciepts To Upload At Reciepthog For Levels

I'1000 almost certain there'due south a good chance you get a receipt at to the lowest degree one time a week.  If you lot're annihilation like me, you probably toss it in the trash and never retrieve nearly it once more.

Well, what if I told you that some apps volition actually pay you to upload your receipt, no matter where you shop?

Yep, information technology is truthful, and Receipt Hog, one of the largest companies in this game, is one to highly consider.  Just take a picture of your receipt and get rewarded.  It's as unproblematic as that.

In this review, I wanted to talk about Receipt Hog and how y'all can brand coin uploadingwhatsoeverreceipt.  I volition talk about how it works, what you tin can make and what others think of the app equally well.  I talked nearly them briefly in my make money online via PayPal without surveys and 63+ complimentary gift card posts, just I volition do so more in depth here as I do in all of my reviews.

So, if y'all want to make a few bucks with your receipts, then information technology's time to strap in and see how the Receipt Hog app works.

Receipt Hog Review

What is Receipt Grunter?

In short, Receipt Hog is a costless app that will advantage y'all to upload whatever receipt.  In exchange for doing so, they volition then use this data to help collect enquiry on spending habits and requite yous "coins" and/or spins for every receipt you upload.

Since near of your receipts don't have whatsoever personal information printed on information technology, yous tin can be bodacious that none of your personal information volition be sold.  After all, you lot can cull which receipts to upload, so if ane does seem to accept too much personal data, you tin simply non upload.

The app is endemic by Numerator, a market place research visitor founded in 2011.  Co-ordinate to their company description, they were founded to better empathize how brands and consumers engage.  Yeah, it'southward a legitimate company that has been around for quite some time.

To date, the app has more than one one thousand thousand downloads with a 4.4/5 average rating on the Google Play store.

Downloading and Signing Up

Signing up for the app is fairly straight-forwards as yous will download it as you would any other app.

Once installed, they volition ask you to turn on your device location as well sign up, either via email or Facebook.  It probably will take you a few minutes to do this.  Information technology'southward not long at all.

Keep in mind that in that location is often a await listing, so you may not exist able to join right away.  If yous do see that there's a look listing, don't worry equally you should still sign up and await a response within the calendar month.  It will come faster than you think.

Luckily, when I signed upward almost a yr ago, I was able to gain access right away.

Your Receipt Sus scrofa Dashboard

When you load the app, your dashboard will await something like this…

On the front end page, you can view your electric current level, the bachelor bonuses equally well equally tips, tricks and even your entries in any upcoming sweepstakes.  Near the bottom, you tin upload your receipts with your camera too as play the slots and view available rewards.

Beneath, I'm going to talk about every section every bit to how it works and how y'all can accept advantage.


On the app, the more receipts you lot upload, the more yous can potentially earn in the way of bonuses.  Equally there are new bonuses every month, you will want to check out the first section on your dashboard every bit seen above.

For example, as I was writing this review, I could earn a spin on the slot machine for every receipt I upload in a week.  Thiscouldincrement if I were to increase my level.  I volition talk about this adjacent.

If I were to upload once a week for the four weeks in Nov, then I could earn a full of four spins.  Later, I will talk almost what the slot machine is all well-nigh.

Up Your Levels to Earn More Bonuses

Receipt Hog offers levels, as mentioned, similar to that of a video game as you level upwardly.  This level, according to the app, is based upon how often yous upload your receipts.  As you level upwards, your bonuses can increase.  Information technology's that uncomplicated.

For example, if y'all were to reach level 10, you lot could receive 20 spins instead of one!  If you were to reach level xl, then you lot could receive a 480 coin bonus.  This was a screenshot of some of the bonuses you could earn, for case…

Increasing your level isn't all that difficult as you just need to commit to scanning at least one receipt a week.  Every time you upload, the app volition then notify you when your bonus posts to your account.

On your dashboard, y'all can then see your electric current level status.

I would make an effort to keep these bonuses going as you can earn quite a few spins and even bonus coins.  All you lot need to practise is make information technology a habit to upload once a week to keep your bonuses going, so it'southward not that hard at all.

Connect Accounts

If you want to earn some quick coins, Receipt Squealer will add bonus coins to your account if you connect your Amazon account and E-mail.

According to the app, they will employ this information to help better empathize shopper behavior, both online and offline.

If you were to connect your electronic mail, the app will extract whatsoever purchase data, such as receipts and shipping confirmations.  They volition non see any personal information, such every bit your credit card numbers or shopping log-in information.

This is entirely optional, only they will pay y'all 36 coins to connect your Amazon and another 100 to connect your e-mail.  Once more, it's up to you, but it's an piece of cake way to earn a few extra coins.


Similar a lot of your research-type companies, Receipt Hog likewise offer sweepstakes opportunities, giving y'all a chance to win large.  For every receipt you upload, they will give you one entry.

At the finish of each calendar month, they volition choose a winner, usually v,000+, and add a number of coins to your account.  You will be able to come across the current prizes as well every bit the number of entries inside the sweepstakes page.  You can likewise read the rules every bit well equally glance at past winners if you choose.

For instance, while I was writing this, their October sweepstakes had more than v,505 winners, with the g prize winners earning v,000 coins.

These sweepstakes volition always modify, but just permit information technology be known that every receipt you upload is essentially a raffle ticket thrown in the chapeau.

Taking Pictures of Receipts

This is probably the most important part of the app — using the photographic camera to have pictures.

At the bottom of your app, y'all will run into a toolbar, which looks like this…

In order to upload your receipts, y'all will have to use your phone's photographic camera, all of which you tin directly access from that lesser toolbar.

Whenever you accept a receipt, and aye, it tin can exist anything that prints from a cash register, Receipt Sus scrofa asks that you include the shop, items, prices, total and the engagement.  This is 100% necessary to go credited.   Aside from those restrictions, information technology'south too important that your receipts are real and are no older than a few weeks old.

Y'all will not get credit for manus-written receipts, old receipts, non-standard receipts besides every bit receipts from non-retailer businesses.  There are some restrictions, but as long as you buy from a retailer that prints the receipt from a calculator, then yous shouldn't have a problem getting some sort of credit.

In the case your receipt is larger than the camera, then you will be asked to take your first picture from the top and move onto the side by side part until your receipt is snapped in full.  Information technology's okay if you lot overlap.

The Receipts Tab

Once yous upload your receipt, you lot will then exist able to check on your condition via the "Receipts" tab.

In this section, you will exist able to see your approvals as well every bit what yous earn.  This is what it will look like…

The number next to it is the total on the receipt, not the amount yous're getting.

Generally, as long as you follow the directions as specified earlier, y'all shouldn't have a problem getting approved.

Spin the Wheel with the Slot Motorcar

Every time you lot upload a valid receipt, the app will give yous what's known as a "spin."  You volition be able to use these spins via the "slots" tab constitute on the lesser toolbar.

Yep, just like the casino, you lot can test your luck to win some pretty cool prizes, such every bit cash, coins and much more.  On the slots page, you can take a expect at the electric current prizes likewise every bit the daily winners.

Don't expect to win much here as your odds are but like that of the casino,merelyy'all could win a few coins here and at that place, nothing spectacular.

How Much Tin can I Earn?

The number of coins you earn will greatly depend on what kind of receipt y'all upload as some tend to be more valuable than others.  For instance, I read that 1 user received five coins for a gas station receipt while another user just received 1 spin and a sweepstakes entry for her section store receipt.  From my enquiry, it appeared that grocery store and gas station receipts seemed to take the greatest payouts.

Not but will the location matter, simply your spending can bear on your coin value as well.  The more you spend at the shop, the more y'all can earn likewise.  So, if you find a $20 Walmart receipt earning less than a $200 Walmart receipt, this would exist the reason why.

Allow it be known that you lot won't always earn coins, but a sweepstakes entry and slot machine spin is virtually guaranteed, no matter what kind of receipt yous take.

In the end, plan on your scans existence worth anywhere from no coins to as much as 10+.  Again, no matter what receipt you upload, you can always get at least a spin and sweepstakes entry.


Ah, the fun office.

What are my coins worth?  And, what can I earn?

Unfortunately, Receipt Hog uses a confusing points organization.  Information technology'due south not like Swagbucks or Survey Junkie, where one point equals a penny, so yous're going to take to do some math.

Let'south break it down.

As of this review, Receipt Hog offered 3 reward options:  Amazon gift cards, a Visa souvenir bill of fare as well as PayPal greenbacks.

Regardless of which option y'all choose, here's how your points would intermission down:

  • 1,000 coins = $5 ($0.005 per coin)
  • ii,900 coins = $15 ($0.00517 per coin)
  • iv,300 coins = $25 ($0.00518 per money)
  • 6,500 = $forty ($0.00615 per coin)

As you can see, the longer you lot wait for a payout, the more than your coin can be worth, albeit it not that much.

In the end, each coin is worth near $0.005 each, merely this tin change at any time.

Upon redemption, the company volition send your reward within seven days.

Is Receipt Squealer Worth It?

Let's say that you lot're lucky enough to upload one receipt a mean solar day and earn ten points for each one.  This will exist hard, just allow's only employ that for math purposes.

30 receipts would equate to 300 points, not fifty-fifty enough for a $5.  At this rate, it will take you 100 days to earn $five.

To me, it's not worth it,butif you make it a habit to chop-chop upload a receipt or even exercise three receipts a day, it could add together up, especially if you add in the bonuses and/or fifty-fifty win a prize from the slot machine.  There is a limit, notwithstanding, so don't plan on uploading 100 receipts a mean solar day.

There'due south no correct or wrong reply here equally we all value our time differently, but I only wanted to include this scenario to show y'all what you could earn.

What Others Are Saying

I can only say so much about the app, so I went ahead and did some digging online to see what the online world had to say.

As in all of my reviews, I highlight the pros and cons I establish on multiple review websites.  Most of them are noted below.

The Pros

  • 100% free to download
  • very little try to earn
  • fun!
  • operated past a real visitor that pays
  • very easy to use
  • pays cash

The Cons

  • waitlist to bring together (most of the time)
  • don't always earn coins
  • takes a while to earn
  • way too many entries in the sweepstakes, making it difficult to win
  • poor customer service

Final Thoughts

Receipt Pig is, indeed, 100% legitimate,butdon't await it to pay the bills.  I would only expect a few dollars a month, if that.  This can be said virtually the many money-making apps out there.  Every bit long equally you take this mindset, you won't become stressed with the final results.

Withal, it'south a fun fashion to quickly upload your receipts before throwing them away and at to the lowest degree earnsomething.  Worst case, you can always spin the wheel and exam your luck.  Again, look a few bucks.

In the stop, Receipt Hog isn't the merely game in town equally in that location are many other apps that you can download that pay you to scan receipts.  And, yes, you can upload your receipts to all of them to really maximize your earnings!

If you have any experience with Receipt Grunter and/or you want to share your thoughts, and so, by all means, you're welcome to do and so in the comments beneath.

In the meantime, beginning saving your receipts and make it a habit to upload them to earn a few bucks in your spare fourth dimension.

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